Chapter  III




Elections shall be conducted by the Chief Election Officer to be appointed by the

Senate. He shall purpose the names of members of the Election Council for ratification

 by the Senate.


Annual Gymkhana Election shall normally be held around 20 of January every year. However

under exceptional situations, annual elections can be postponed for a maximum period of one



The President and the General Secretaries of Games, Cultural, Films and Science and Technology

 respectively shall be elected from the general body on the basis of one single transferable 

 preferential voting system i.e. if there are n candidates, votes shall be required to give n-1 preferences.

  Counting shall be done in successive round. In the first round first preference votes only 

  shall be counted and the candidate with the least first preference votes shall be declared 

  unsuccessful. In the next round, second preference votes of the unsuccessful candidates

  shall be added to the first preference count of continuing candidates and again the candidates 

  with the lowest tally shall be declared unsuccessful. This procedure shall be repeated until all 

  about one candidate, who shall be declared successful, secures 50 percent of the total valid

  votes cast.


a.          Senators who shall continue till the senate hands over charge, shall be elected from the 

              students of:

                                1. Each UG Year other than the final year.

                                2. M.Tech Students other than those in the final semester.

                                3. Ph.D students

                                4. 2-Year M.Sc Students

 b.          Senators who shall officiate till July only, shall be elected from the students of

                                5. Final Year of UG.

                                6. Final Semester of M.Tech.

The number of senators in each group shall be at the rate of one senator over 80 students

approximated to the nearest non-zero integer.


Mid-term Elections shall be held in the month of August for Senators from the 

                                1.  First Year UG

                                2.  First Semester of M.Tech

                    The ratio of Senators to each group will remain as in Article 3.04.


Senators shall be elected on the basis of a preferential voting system. Each voter shall have 

three preferences to be cast in favor of different candidates, the preference vote carrying

5 points the second preference carrying 3 points and the third preference vote 1 point.


Senators for each class will be declared elected in the following way. The names of

Senators will be listed according to first preference points. If the candidates got more

  than 275 first preference points, the requisite number of candidates in order points 

  obtained will be elected. If otherwise, those getting above 275 points will be

  elected and the rest will listed again according to first and second preference

  points and candidates getting above 400 points will be considered for election

  in order of points obtained. If the requisite number of candidates are still not

   elected the rest of the senators will be elected on the basis of combined first,

   second and third preference points.


The Convener and the Parliamentarian of the Senate will be elected from among

the non-executive members of the Senate through an interactive process,

  where in, in successive round of voting the candidate with least number of

  votes, shall be eliminated ,until

   a.          either a candidate gets more than 50 percent votes of those present and

               is declared elected: or

   b.         all, but one candidate who shall be declared elected, gets eliminated.


a.             For the post of President, General Secretary Games, General Secretary

                 Cultural, General Secretary Films, the candidates should have a

                guaranteed stay in the Institute (going by the registration record) from the

                 date of election to February 15 of the following year.

                  For the post of General Secretary Science and Technology the

                  candidate should have a guaranteed stay in the Institute (going by the

                  registration record) from the date of election to March 15 of the following year.
